General Data Protection Regulation
"The" Arlindo VARELA DE BARROS "website complies with the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Privacy Policy, T & Cs and Legal Notice. "
Arlindo VARELA DE BARROS is a company which is governed by the confidentiality of professional secrecy, ethics and respect for the profession it exercises.
The company Arlindo VARELA DE BARROS undertakes to comply with the Privacy Policy, by this privacy statement and the legislation in force, to ensure the protection of personal information that you may transmit to it.
Arlindo VARELA DE BARROS guarantees the confidentiality of your personal information.
Data collection and respect for the law on information technology and freedom.
This website is exempt from declaration to the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (CNIL) insofar as it does not collect user data.
The "Arlindo VARELA DE BARROS" website may have recourse to "cookie" techniques allowing it to process statistics and traffic information, facilitate navigation and improve the service for the convenience of use, where which the user can oppose the recording of "cookies" by configuring his browser software.
* Updated on 02 / 01 / 2024